Escape 02: Who Am I?
Escape 02-Who Am I? is really a rather nice-looking game, with well-created graphics in muted colors (I especially like the strange, oddly cute light bulb-headed statues that are scattered around the room). Your task is straightforward: examine everything, solve the puzzles, escape the room. There is one twist, however; scattered around the room are "about you" cards, each of which provide a clue as to who (or what?) the player really is. The answer will ultimately become central to your success.
I quite liked Escape 02: Who Am I? The puzzles are on the whole quite clever, and the identity crisis shtick was a nice, creative touch. I do have a few gripes, however. At least one of the puzzles is very unintuitive; once solved the answer makes perfect sense, but it was difficult for me to make the necessary logical leap. The game also requires you to collect a "bag" before you can carry more than two items in your inventory, which seemed unrealistic considering that the player is inside a locked room. Finally, the English translation from the Japanese is pretty terrible, though generally adequate enough to get the point. Still, at least to me, the strengths outweigh the liabilities, and I definitely recommend that you give it a shot.
Walkthrough Guide
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Turn around (180 degrees) and look at the drawers. On top is a pink box.
Examine it, and hit start.
Note the sequence that plays. If you miss it, hit start again until you've got the whole sequence noted down.
Enter the sequence to open the box
The sequence is (taking the numbers like a phone keypad) 5-3-4-6-8-1-7-9-2
Take the bag from the box
Click back once and open the top drawer, take the card and the pliers
Click out and look to the left of the drawers and note the two numerals on the wall.
Zoom out, and notice the two numerals on the wall in the right corner of the room
Turn around 180 degrees and notice the numerals under the desk
Turn around 180 degrees and notice the painting. Zoom in.
The painting is an aerial view of the room.
Click the raised sections of the frame in the order of the numbers from the walls.
The frame moves. Take the card, screwdriver and magnet. Zoom out, and turn right.
Take the Broom. Turn right
Zoom in on the plant. Take the wire sticking up on the left.
Zoom out and turn right. Zoom in on the grill
Use the screwdriver on the grill
Get the power board and the card
Zoom out, and turn left. Zoom in on the power point
Use the power board on the power point. Zoom out and zoom in on the lamp holding the pink umbrella
Note the number set. It changes each time.
Turn around 180 degrees and zoom in on the bottom drawer
Input the number set and open the drawer
Take the iron piece, zoom out and look up
Use the broom on the card, then look down and get the card
Display the wire and use the pliers on it
Turn to the wall with the dark circle on the right. Zoom in on it.
The light is tracing the circumference.
The ration of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is represented by the greek letter pi.
Enter 3.14
Zoom out and zoom in on the science kit that's appeared
Look in the test tube on the left and notice the key.
Use the wire to get the key.
Go to the desk and use the key on the drawer
Get the matches, the candle and the card
Go back to the science kit and get the card
Now place the magnet (left)
And the candle (right of that)
The iron thing too(right of that)
And use the matches to light the candle
Now turn around and a door has opened.
Go through and encounter a locked gate
Examine allthe cards and work out the riddle
You're a shadow
Enter "shadow"
You've escaped
Posted by: master_flea
July 16, 2008 9:54 AM