Toon Crisis

Me neither, but thanks to Toon Crisis I know how to handle myself in just such a situation. Just make a gun with your thumb and forefinger and start blasting the little baddies!
From Killer Viral comes this excellent rail shooter, an advergame for the Sony mp3 Walkman Flash—but don't let that turn you off. Each shooting stage is wonderfully integrated with video footage of London streets, with the above mentioned Gogol Bordello providing suitably manic background music. The enemy cartoons in question are also well integrated with the background scenery, moving behind and over background objects and in and out of doors and windows as they try to take you out.
The requisite elements for a great shooter are all here: good enemy variety, weapon power-ups, and a powerful boss at the end of each stage. The game was easy and fast; I managed to finish it in my first sitting, probably within 15 minutes or so, but there is a continue option built-in if you just can't hack it. You even get a downloadable prize for finishing.
I played the game on a P4 2.4 GHz desktop system with 512 MB of RAM, and a Mobile P4 1.6 GHz laptop with 256 MB of RAM. The game ran as smooth as silk on the desktop system with the exception of some very minor frame rate issues at the final boss battle. The game had minor frame rate issues from time to time on the laptop, though nothing that really affected gameplay. Your mileage may vary, so happy shooting.
Special thanks to Chris, Jared and Mark for the submission.
This game is so hilarious! Hahahaha.
I died on the fourth stage I think. One stage after taking down the cartoon digger who shovels mud your way.
Great game, and what's even better is that it can be saved!
I love that band.and that game.
Duck, LOL! :)
Cool music, fun gameplay, and a crazy concept adds up to a great game!
^^^ Yeah what's up with that duck? I decided to use it for the first time when I had one life left, and all I saw was 'Duck Deployed' and a flying duck.
A DJ from Gogol Bordello opened for our band ( ) in Chicago last April, and there were like 200 gypsys at the show, it was crazy! We had never heard of them before, now I see their name all over the place.
Just finished the game. The last boss isn't that hard, but it takes FOREVER to kill it. Damn.
BTW, you're offered a screensaver at the end. If you want the screensaver but don't want to finish the entire game, here you go:
Love the attacking iPod's... Hahahaaaaa
I started playing this as a diversion to Kodama, I am obsessed with finishing it I tell you. Anyway, I found that rapidly clicking the mouse button (I forgot where that was necessary) sort of numbed my finger and made my rapid shots somewhat ineffective. I tried holding my mouse with my left hand and then clicking with my right, and that was spot on, but then I had trouble moving with my left and shooting accurately. Anyone else have that rapid clicking problem?
Gogol Bordello ROCK!! And the game's fun too, so thanks muchly :)
I thought this game was pretty coo, not because of it's gameplay, but just because of it's sheer weird-ness.
This is simply the best thing ever to happen to mankind ever. -MANAX
I scored 49090 - Howd everyone else dooooo...
now, back to Kodama...
That was highly enjoyable. My cursor often seemed to dissapear during "between" scenes, leaving me unsure where the crosshairs would be located at the begining of the next battle, but that was the only down-side. Great find! Witty and fun.
Virgoan Venom: Oddly enough I found that after wearing myself out clicking and slow methodical clicking is actually better. I don't know why but alot of the things it took many quick clicks to shoot down were easily shot down with one or two click if you slow down.
Kokes, i actually walked down many of these roads today while visiting london- the exact same pathway, random lol. Also coincidently played bare time crisis 4 at the tropicaro :P. V. fun flash game tho :P
A very nice afternoon distraction at work.
Good game shame about the music, Gogol Bordello sound like a poor mans Commitments
This is the coolest game EVER! The soundtrack is awsome!
kind of funny, i was listening to gogol when i started to play this game
cute game! I have a Sony Walkman too; wish mine was purple like that one
i scored 9160
I've finally finished this game after several years of attempts. This is how I first heard of Gogol Bordello, now I listen to their songs frequently.
Not one for shooting games but this one was a lot of fun - my hand, wrist and forearm are burning...